Hex Tcg Download

HEX MMO Trading Card Game For project updates or questions, please head over to hextcg.com From the creators of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, HEX is a TCG / MMO that combines the best of both for your PC & MAC. Welcome to HEX! You can register an account and get a free starter pack of over 200 cards, download the client, and play HEX! Please feel free to stop by and register. This community is to encourage civil and productive conversation between players of the Hex TCG and MMO. Some guidelines in keeping this subreddit a useful community and to keep that community going: Intentionally trolling the community will not be tolerated. Login to your HEX TCG Browser account, when in the cards / equipment section, goto the 'Collection' * tab and in the right top corner click the arrow icon stating 'Export cards / equipment from collection'. HEX: Shards of Fate » Forum. HEX: Shards of Fate The Revolutionary TCG/RPG. HEX News and Announcements. Threads 544 Posts 12,728. Friday Update - Fired Up. Cernz - Nov 2nd 2018, 11:56pm. Maintenance and Updates. Friday Update Updates. HEX Discussions. HEX Veteran; Statistics.

INTRODUCTION This document is designed to give the reader a brief overview of the changes that have taken place in patch 1.3 which will affect the game. Rome total war crack. This was a time of brutal confrontation between civilisation and barbarism, and of civil war as the ancient world's only superpower turned on itself.

Are you someone that looks for challenges in games? Someone that loves complexity in games? Someone that doesn't mind high learning curves?Are you someone that looks for challenges in games? Someone that loves complexity in games? Someone that doesn't mind high learning curves? Someone that likes to trade/barter ingame items that actually have real-world value? Someone that prefers playing slow-paced games over fast-paced games at leisure time? Someone that likes trading card games? Someone that likes PvE and PvP alike? Then this game is for you.
Path of Exile players, EVE Online players, Magic players, this is your kind of game.
This is a free-to-enter trading card game where all cards are tradeable and many have real-world value! This differentiates Hex from CCGs such as Hearthstone, Duelyst, Solforge where you may just shrug when you get a legendary you cannot use. Sell it to other players and buy cards you like from the currency! The PvE part (with quality lore!) is completely free but you can earn cards items in PvE that you can sell for ingame currency to other players. The PvP part requires currency (because you can keep all cards that you use to play in PvP with the chance of super-rare cards that sell for thrice the money you used to enter the PvP game!) that can either be earned from PvE, from successful trading of cards (you can earn currency as a 'broker'!) or from paying real money. This is what makes PvP games so exciting! You will sweat, shed tears and shudder all over your body over each your PvP decisions in your first matches because you are playing over something that has real value!
What makes this game truly complex is that the cards have complex mechanisms and millions of possible interactions. Cards can be socketed with gems that give them special powers! You can put equipment on your hero (Head, Torso, Boots, Gloves..) that make specific cards stronger! At the moment the game has more than 1000(!) different cards. Once to twice a year, the developers release a new set containing an additional ~250-300 cards! Moreover, once to twice a year, the developers also aim to release a 'PvE' expansion which expands the PvE possibilities with additional campaigns.
While the game still has a few bugs, the developer team is very dedicated to fix those and the support willingly reimburses you for any gamebreaking bugs you experience in PvP! So you don't have to worry about any losses as long as you report the bug to support!
The most exciting part of this game is that it is just a mere beginning. The developers are dedicated and repeatedly add more features. What is going to come in the future? Co-op play! Raids! 2vs2! Guilds that can share cards!
Not convinced yet? Head to Twitch.tv and watch people playing to grasp the concept of this game!

Hex Tcg

  1. /***************************************************************************************************************
  2. *
  3. * _____________________________________
  4. *
  5. *
  6. * This plugin enables you to import your HEX card collection from HEX TCG Browser into Brynhildr's Super Hex
  7. *
  8. *
  9. * - Own a HEX TCG Browser account with your up to date collection (there are automatic synchronization
  10. *
  11. * - Own a Google Drive account with Brynhildr's spreadsheet set up. Howto:
  12. * 2. Create a new Google Spreadsheet
  13. * 3. Click 'File > Import' and upload Brynhildr's .ods template
  14. * [ INSTRUCTIONS ]
  16. * 1. Login to your HEX TCG Browser account, when in the cards / equipment section, goto the 'Collection'
  17. * tab and in the right top corner click the arrow icon stating 'Export cards / equipment from collection'
  18. * 2. Open the '*.xlsx' file in your favorite spreadsheet application and save your card collection as a .csv
  19. * file named 'cards.csv' and 'equipment.csv' respectively.
  21. * 3. Upload the 'cards.csv' and 'equipment.csv' file to your Google Drive
  22. * 4. Open your Brynhildr collection spreadsheet on Google Drive
  23. * 5. Click 'Import collection > Current set' for importing your collection to the tab that is currently
  24. * opened or 'Import collection > All sets' for importing your collection for all sets.
  25. * [ REFERENCES ]
  27. *
  29. * http://forums.cryptozoic.com/showthread.php?t=46133
  30. *
  31. *
  32. * All Rights Reserved.
  33. ***************************************************************************************************************/
  34. // TODO: convert to AddOn by using createAddonMenu
  35. var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  36. .addItem('Current set','importForCurrentSheet')
  37. .addToUi();
  38. /***************************************************************************************************************/
  39. function importForSheet(sheet){
  40. if(sheet.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf('equipment')>=0){
  41. var equipment = getCollection('equipment.csv');
  42. importCollectionToSheet(equipment, sheet, HexTCGBrowser.equipment.collection)
  43. updateStatistics(sheet, stats_before, stats_after);
  44. elseif(sheet.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf('set')>=0
  45. {
  46. var cards = getCollection('cards.csv');
  47. importCollectionToSheet(cards, sheet, HexTCGBrowser.cards.collection);
  48. updateStatistics(sheet, stats_before, stats_after);
  49. }
  50. function importForCurrentSheet(){
  51. importForSheet(sheet);
  52. SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Succesfully imported your ''+ sheet.getName()+'' collection!','Import collection');
  53. var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()
  54. importForSheet(sheets[i])
  55. SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Succesfully imported your entire collection!','Import collection');
  56. /***************************************************************************************************************/
  57. function importCollectionToSheet(collection, sheet, source_spec){
  58. var target_spec = getTargetSpec(sheet.getName());
  59. var filtered_collection = filterCollection(collection, sheet.getName())
  60. var dictionary = collectionToDictionary(filtered_collection,[source_spec.columns.name, source_spec.columns.amount]);
  61. //TODO: needs offset parameter to work within a region from the sheet
  62. var sheet_data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  63. var end = getFirstEmptyRow(sheet_data, target_spec.rows.header.length);
  64. for(var row=start; row<end;++row){
  65. var item = sheet_data[row][target_spec.columns.name];
  66. var amount =(item in dictionary)? parseInt(dictionary[item]):0;
  67. var amount_cell = sheet.getRange(row+1, target_spec.columns.amount+1)//spreadsheet is 1-based
  68. var diff = amount - sheet_data[row][target_spec.columns.amount];
  69. var diff_cell = sheet.getRange(row+1, target_spec.columns.diff+1);
  70. if(!diff){
  71. amount_cell.setFontColor('black');
  72. diff_cell.setFontColor('black');
  73. diff_cell.setValue(');
  74. }
  75. amount_cell.setValue(amount);
  76. amount_cell.setFontColor(diff >0?'green':'red');
  77. diff_cell.setBackground('yellow');
  78. diff_cell.setFontWeight('bold');
  79. }
  80. Logger.log(e);
  81. thrownew Error('Sheet ''+ sheet.getName()+'' does not support collection import.')
  82. }
  83. function getCollection(file){
  84. if(['cards.csv','equipment.csv'].indexOf(file)>=0){
  85. if(!files.hasNext()){
  86. thrownew Error('Collection file ''+ file +'' could not be found on Google Drive');
  87. var csv = files.next();
  88. return csvToArray(csv.getBlob().getDataAsString());
  89. switch(sheetname){
  90. return collection.filter(set_ffunc(HexTCGBrowser.sets.set1.name));
  91. return collection.filter(set_ffunc(HexTCGBrowser.sets.set2.name));
  92. return collection.filter(set_ffunc(HexTCGBrowser.sets.set3.name));
  93. return collection.filter(set_ffunc(HexTCGBrowser.books.book1.name));
  94. return collection;
  95. thrownew Error('Cannot filter collection for sheet ''+ sheetname +''');
  96. }
  97. function getTargetSpec(sheetname){
  98. case Brynhildr.sheets.pvp.set1.name:
  99. case Brynhildr.sheets.pvp.set2.name:
  100. case Brynhildr.sheets.pvp.set3.name:
  101. case Brynhildr.sheets.pve.cards.name:
  102. case Brynhildr.sheets.pve.equipment.name:
  103. default:
  104. thrownew Error('Cannot get target specification for sheet ''+ sheetname +''');
  105. }
  106. function updateStatistics(sheet, stats_before, stats_after, oneoff, playset){
  107. var oneoff =(typeof oneoff 'undefined')?true: oneoff;
  108. var playset =(typeof playset 'undefined')?true: playset;
  109. return;
  110. var statistics_spec = getStatisticsSpec(sheet.getName());
  111. for(var rel_row=0; rel_row<Brynhildr.stats.rows.count;++rel_row){
  112. var oneoff =[]
  113. oneoff.push(stats_after[rel_row][Brynhildr.stats.columns.oneoff.amount.total]-
  114. stats_before[rel_row][Brynhildr.stats.columns.oneoff.amount.total]);
  115. oneoff.push(stats_after[rel_row][Brynhildr.stats.columns.oneoff.pct.total]-
  116. stats_before[rel_row][Brynhildr.stats.columns.oneoff.pct.total]);
  117. sheet.getRange(statistics_spec.rows.offset+Brynhildr.stats.rows.header.length+rel_row+1,
  118. statistics_spec.columns.offset+Brynhildr.stats.columns.oneoff.amount.increase+1).setValue(oneoff[0]? oneoff[0]:');//spreadsheet is 1-based
  119. sheet.getRange(statistics_spec.rows.offset+Brynhildr.stats.rows.header.length+rel_row+1,
  120. statistics_spec.columns.offset+Brynhildr.stats.columns.oneoff.pct.increase+1).setValue(oneoff[1]? oneoff[1]:');//spreadsheet is 1-based
  121. if(statistics_spec.update.playset){
  122. playset.push(stats_after[rel_row][Brynhildr.stats.columns.playset.amount.total]-
  123. stats_before[rel_row][Brynhildr.stats.columns.playset.amount.total]);
  124. playset.push(stats_after[rel_row][Brynhildr.stats.columns.playset.pct.total]-
  125. stats_before[rel_row][Brynhildr.stats.columns.playset.pct.total]);
  126. sheet.getRange(statistics_spec.rows.offset+Brynhildr.stats.rows.header.length+rel_row+1,
  127. statistics_spec.columns.offset+Brynhildr.stats.columns.playset.amount.increase+1).setValue(playset[0]? playset[0]:');//spreadsheet is 1-based
  128. sheet.getRange(statistics_spec.rows.offset+Brynhildr.stats.rows.header.length+rel_row+1,
  129. statistics_spec.columns.offset+Brynhildr.stats.columns.playset.pct.increase+1).setValue(playset[1]? playset[1]:');//spreadsheet is 1-based
  130. }
  131. try{
  132. var statistics_spec = getStatisticsSpec(sheet.getName());
  133. return getSubRange(sheet.getDataRange().getValues(),
  134. [statistics_spec.rows.offset+Brynhildr.stats.rows.header.length,
  135. statistics_spec.rows.offset+Brynhildr.stats.rows.header.length+ Brynhildr.stats.rows.count],
  136. statistics_spec.columns.offset+Brynhildr.stats.columns.count]);
  137. catch(e){
  138. thrownew Error('Sheet ''+ sheet.getName()+'' does not support statistics update.')
  139. }
  140. function getStatisticsSpec(sheetname){
  141. case Brynhildr.sheets.pvp.set1.name:
  142. case Brynhildr.sheets.pvp.set2.name:
  143. case Brynhildr.sheets.pvp.set3.name:
  144. case Brynhildr.sheets.pve.cards.name:
  145. case Brynhildr.sheets.pve.equipment.name:
  146. default:
  147. thrownew Error('Cannot get statistics specification for sheet ''+ sheetname +''');
  148. }
  149. /***************************************************************************************************************/