Difference Between Crack Pipe And Weed Pipe

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Crack pipe drug

A meth pipe or any other glass pipe used to smoke it with will often have yellow or burnt streaks around the glass. Crack cocaine has a very distinct smell, like a mix between burning plastic and urine! My husband smokes marijuana, and Im ok with that. He used to smoke meth, but quit. Today I found a pipe though that I'm not sure about. Its just straight glass, one end looks melted together with just a small hole left, the other end is speckled with a white substance. Pipe magazine has a general discussion about the differences between the pipe tobaccos. Besides nicotine, pipe tobacco contains sugar. Besides nicotine, pipe tobacco contains sugar. Generally, the more sugar found in a pipe tobacco, the less nicotine it has. Download crack pipe stock photos. Affordable and search from millions of royalty free images, photos and vectors. Apr 01, 2009  A chillum is a horizontal bowl where you form a cup with your hands to inhale the smoke from the bottom. A crackpipe is probably a glass pipe that is used to vaporize weed by heating the glass which allows the THC to vaporize and be inhaled. Mar 18, 2010  In usage as well, there are differences between cocaine and weed. Weed can be rolled into cigarettes and smoked. Weed can also be smoked in water pipes (bong), or can be mixed with food or taken in liquid form.

Smoking and Distress

Some mistakenly believe that pipe smoking is less harmful than cigarette smoking. It is true that the amounts of the different types of cancers and other diseases experienced by pipe smokers may differ from cigarette smokers. Nevertheless, the dangers of pipe smoking are well known. In some cases, pipe smoking creates a greater risk of getting cancer, such as oral cancer, than the use of cigarettes.

Let’s look at some of the research on pipe smoking. This research is for regular pipes, such as those made from Meerschaum or Briarwood and does not consider the use of a “hookah,” which is a glass pipe used for smoking.

Research Studies on Pipe Smoking *

Large Study of Thousands of American Men Over 18 Years
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of a study in 2004, which examined the links between cancer and other diseases with the exclusive use of pipe smoking.

This study included 138,307 men. Of that those, 15,263 men reported the exclusive use of pipe smoking, during the study or previously, and 123,044 men reported that they had never used any tobacco products. The study examined the incidences of cancer and other diseases in the 23,589 men from the total group that died during the 18 years of the study.

The conclusion from the study is that pipe smokers, when compared to those who never used tobacco, had significant risk of these diseases:

  • Lung cancer
  • Oropharynx cancer – This is the middle section of the throat behind the mouth, which includes the back of the tongue, the side and rear walls of the throat, and the soft palate.
  • Esophagus cancer – This tube leads to the lungs and stomach.
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Larynx (voice box) cancer
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Cerebrovascular disease (brain stroke)
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) –This includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

The risks for pipe smokers were somewhat smaller that the same risks for cigarette smokers. When compared to cigar smoking, pipe smokers had similar or greater risks. Pipe smoking increases the risk of causing cancers in the lips, in the mouth, and on the tongue.

Study of Over 16,000 Men in Norway
This study reported on the U.S. National Institutes of Health website, estimated the risk of dying, from any cause and from diseases caused by smoking, in a group of 16,932 men from three counties in Norway.

At the beginning of the study, the men were between the ages of 20 and 49. In the mid-1970’s, at the beginning of the study, they received screening for cardiovascular risk. They received screening a second time for this cardiovascular risk during the period of three to thirteen years later, while the study was ongoing. The study continued until 2007.

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During the study, deaths of 4,993 of the study participants occurred. The study categorized the men into groups of non-smokers, those who smoked only a pipe, those who smoked cigarettes, and those who stopped smoking cigarettes to change to a pipe only smoker instead.

Using the deaths of the non-smokers in the study as a baseline, when the researchers compared the deaths of pipe smokers to cigarette smokers, there was no significant difference between dying from any cause in both groups or from dying from smoke-related diseases. This particular study concluded that when considering all the risks, pipe smoking is not safer than smoking cigarettes.

Study of Over 20,000 American Men, Some Who Switched from Cigarettes to Pipes
This study looked at 21,520 men who were between 35 and 64 years old during the recruitment period of the study that happened during 1975 to 1982. The study estimated the risks of smoking-related diseases for those who stopped smoking cigarettes, over the 20 years before the study began and switched to pipe smoking instead.

The study reported the following:

Previous cigarette smokers, who changed to pipe smokers,

  • had a 51% increased risk of dying from smoking-related diseases when compared to pipe smokers who never smoked cigarettes.
  • had a 68% increased risk of dying from smoking-related diseases, when compared to those that never smoked.
  • had a 46% lower risk of dying from smoking-related diseases, when compared to those that continued to smoke cigarettes.

The study’s conclusion was that switching to pipe smoking was better than continuing to smoke cigarettes, depending on the reduced quantity of tobacco use and less inhaling of the smoke. Nevertheless, previous cigarette smokers did not achieve the same lower risk levels as pipe smokers who never used cigarettes and all pipe smokers have a greater risk of lung cancer than former smokers or those who never smoked.

Lung Cancer Rates in Cigar and Pipe Smokers Compared to Cigarette Smokers
A study conducted between 1977 and 1984 compared 2,085 patients with lung cancer to 3,948 matched controls. The study wanted to discover the difference between lung cancer rates of cigarette smokers, cigar, and pipe smokers.
The conclusions of the study were:

In comparison to non-smokers who never smoked,

  • Cigarette smokers had 16.0 times higher risk of lung cancer.
  • Among pipe and cigar smokers, lung cancer risk was 12.3 times greater for those who smoked more than five cigars or pipe bowls per day and inhaled.
  • Cigarette, cigar, and pipe smokers had 10.5 times higher risk of lung cancer.
  • Among pipe and cigar smokers, lung cancer risk was 6.7 times greater for those who smoked more than 10 cigars or pipe bowls per day and did not inhale.
  • Among pipe and cigar smokers, lung cancer risk was 3.2 times greater for those who smoked more than five cigars or pipe bowls per day and did not inhale.
  • Cigar only smokers had 3.1 times higher risk of lung cancer.
  • Cigar and pipe smokers had 2.5 times higher risk of lung cancer.
  • Pipe only smokers had 1.9 times higher risk of lung cancer.

Pipe smokers who smoked only occasionally and did not inhale had the lowest risk of lung cancer; however, both cigar smokers and pipe smokers had a greater risk of Kreyberg I cancers than cigarette smokers. Kreyberg type I lung cancer is smoking-related and includes carcinomas (cancers) of three types, large cell, squamous cell, and small cell.

Not Inhaling and Secondhand Smoke *

Many pipe smokers choose not to inhale the smoke from the pipe. Some falsely believe this eliminates the risk. While it does reduce risk slightly, it does not eliminate it. Even when a person does not inhale directly from smoking the pipe (mainstream smoke), the room is filled with copious amounts of secondhand smoke. If that person is breathing, they are automatically inhaling lots of secondhand smoke.

Secondhand smoke has many cancer risks, similar to mainstream smoke. In some cases, secondhand smoke is more dangerous because of the particulate size of the smoke and the lower temperature of the smoke, allows it to carry more carbon monoxide that is poisonous and increases the level of absorption of the toxins by the persons in the room.

The American Cancer Society says secondhand smoke increases the risks of these cancers and diseases, even in persons who are non-smokers:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Brain cancer and stroke
  • Breast cancer
  • COPD
  • Heart disease
  • Larynx cancer
  • Nasal Passages cancer
  • Pharynx cancer
  • Rectum cancer
  • Stomach cancer

Women are less likely to be pipe smokers than men are. If a female has a male partner that smokes a pipe in the same room or inside the home, she would be wise to tell him to take it outside or better yet to quit.

Other Diseases Related to Pipe Smoking *

WebMD concurs with the warnings about increased disease risk from smoking a pipe, which include:

  • Asthma and increased asthma attacks of more severity
  • Double the risk for COPD and lung diseases, such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. With emphysema, a person has difficulty breathing out and struggles to expel air from the lungs in order to be able to take another breath.
  • A 30% increase in the chance of premature death from coronary heart disease.
  • Greater chance of stroke.
  • Male smokers have twice the incidence of erectile dysfunction when compared to non-smokers.
  • Headaches.
  • Burning eyes.
  • Problems with teeth and mouth – This includes increased cancer risk of oral cancer, increased chance of gum disease, which may result in tooth loss. One study noted by WebMD showed that cigar and pipe smokers had an average of four missing teeth. Smoking a pipe or cigar stains teeth and creates serious bad breath.

Healthday gives more information about diseases in the mouth caused by pipe smoking. These include the following:

  • Leukoplakia – This pre-cancerous lesion is sometimes called “smoker’s white patch.” If it appears in the mouth, it is a serious warning of bad things to come.
  • Erythroplakia – This is another type of pre-cancerous lesion that has a red velvet color.
  • Black Hairy Tongue – Pipe smokers can develop bumps that look like fur on the tongue if the cells on the tongue do not replace themselves naturally with new ones. If this layer of cells is tobacco stained, it makes the tongue look black.

What about Nicotine? *

The amount of nicotine that pipe smokers ingest depends on the inhalation of the mainstream smoke, the amount of secondhand smoke in the room, and the brand of pipe tobacco used.

A person does not need to inhale nicotine into the lungs for it to be absorbed by the body. The mucous membranes inside the mouth are perfectly capable of absorbing nicotine and so is the skin, yet to a lesser degree.

Cigarettes are loaded with nicotine because not only is nicotine in tobacco; it is also sometimes added as an ingredient in the production of cigarettes. Pipe tobacco is very different. There are some pipe tobaccos, which contain little or no nicotine.

WARNING: For those trying to stop smoking, reviewing the information that follows may be a trigger of the craving to smoke, so it should be avoided.

Pipe magazine has a general discussion about the differences between the pipe tobaccos. Besides nicotine, pipe tobacco contains sugar. Generally, the more sugar found in a pipe tobacco, the less nicotine it has. The curing method of the tobacco affects the sugar content as well. Most commercial pipe tobaccos are blends of more than one variety. Some specialty shops sell individual varieties and make custom blends.

Here are some general grades of nicotine content for popular types of pipe tobacco:

There are high nicotine levels in air-cured and some fire-cured varieties of these tobaccos:

  • Burly
  • Green River Kentucky
  • Kentucky
  • Perique

Low nicotine levels are in flue-cured varieties of:

  • Virginia
  • Maryland
  • Oriental
  • Turkish

Nicotine withdrawal is difficult. By changing the tobacco blend to a lower nicotine blend, it is possible to reduce nicotine intake significantly with pipe tobacco smoking. Regardless of efforts to make pipe smoking safer, it will never be 100% safe. For best health, abstain from all tobacco products entirely.


Summary *

Waves crack pro tools 12. If a person wants to avoid cancer, the best thing to do is to quit smoking everything as soon as possible. The research shows the risks of pipe smoking are substantial; however these risks are substantially lower for a pipe smoker when compared to a cigarette smoker, as long as the pipe smoker is smoking outside (to avoid secondhand smoke), smokes only occasionally, and does not inhale. If you inhale deeply, frequent pipe smoking is worse than cigarette smoking.

For those who find it difficult to quit cigarette smoking, switching to a pipe is better than continuing to smoke cigarettes. Nicotine levels are far less when pipe smoking and not inhaling, so a nicotine supplement like a patch or gum, needs to be used as well, as a stop smoking aid, to reduce the cravings from the nicotine addiction.

After awhile, taper off the nicotine, use the pipe to have something in the hand and provide an oral distraction with something to hold in the mouth and then stop lighting it to become a free, happy non-smoker. Millions have done this and are now smoke free. Do not make the mistake of thinking pipe smoking is safe.


We’ve all had that moment where we’re set to smoke and realize we don’t have everything we need. You’ve got one of the most potent weed strains but no pipe! Maybe you’re at a party, and you didn’t plan on smoking, but the opportunity for some prime herb comes up. Maybe your buddy borrowed your pipe and never returned it, so you’re wondering how to smoke without a piece. You think you’re screwed, but are you? Not!

How To Tell The Difference Between A Crack Pipe And A Weed Pipe

What Do I Need for a DIY Pipe?

There are a million ways to make a makeshift pipe. A homemade pipe can be made from all kinds of things you already have around. Ever make a DIY pipe from fruit? We’ve got you.

There are endless things to smoke out of, and sometimes you just have to get creative. We’re here to teach you ways on how to smoke without a piece. You’ll never miss an opportunity to smoke again and you can be the MacGyver of your group!

First, the basics:

What is a Weed Pipe?

We’re guessing if you’re looking for ways to make a makeshift pipe that you know what a weed pipe is. Let’s get back to basics, though, and talk about what a weed pipe is, why it works, and what the best traditional pipes are made from.

A typical marijuana pipe isn’t much different from a tobacco pipe in functionality or design. Should we thank our grandfathers for low-key showing us how to smoke weed when we were younger? Eh, let’s not take it that far! The parts of a weed pipe, however, are more or less the same. You have a bowl piece, where you pack in your herb. Next, to this, you’ll have a small hole. This hole is called the carb. No, Robert Atkins, not all carbs are bad! The function of the carb is to let the chamber empty when you’re taking a hit. While you’re inhaling, you cover the hole with your thumb, and you uncover it when you stop. The opposite end of the pipe has the prominent place for your mouth to go.

Marijuana pipes can be made from glass, ceramic, metal, wood, or other materials. The best ones are glass. Not only does glass not stay as hot, making it safer to handle, it typically gives a cleaner hit. Also, glass pipes come in a vast variety of colors and designs, making it fun to find the favorite that speaks to you. The downside to glass pipes is that they’re fragile and can’t be taken apart too easily clean. This means if you drop it, it’s likely toast. Maybe that’s what happened and why you’re looking at making a DIY pipe now!

Pipes are most likely the next primary smoking device, outside of smoking a joint. Though things like vape pens, dab rigs, edibles, and vaporizers have gotten popular, we love a right weed pipe!

Now that we’ve talked about what a pipe is let’s talk about how to smoke without a piece. Here are some of our favorite ways to make a DIY pipe:

DIY Pipe 1: Food

When it comes to a makeshift pipe, of all the things to smoke out of our first stop is food! Now, we know you probably have your favorite chips or pizza rolls around to satisfy those munchies. It pays, however, to keep some fruit and veggies in the house! Healthier munchies and tastiness aside, some of these are perfect for a homemade pipe! We’re taking a look at three different ways to make a DIY pipe out of fruit:

Apple Pipe

This is the most common food pipe and very easy to make. Start by removing the stem using a knife. Then make a hole through the top of the apple where the stem used to be using a pen. Push the pen about halfway through the apple. A second hold should then be made in the side of the apple at an angle. This hole will meet with the original vertical hole and be the one you inhale from. Mirror your inhale hole on the opposite side to make your carb!

Next comes making your bowl. You can carve a bowl out of the top of the apple where the top hole is. You can also use aluminum foil to create a makeshift bowl. Once you’re finished here, your homemade pipe is ready to go! A bonus to smoking from an apple is the sweet flavor you’ll get with each hit with this DIY pipe. Delicious!

Carrot Steamroller

A carrot steamroller sounds funny but is a super easy makeshift pipe to create. Ready to be MacGyver-like we discussed? Grab a screwdriver and poke a hole in the center of the carrot lengthwise going all the way through. At the top, carve a bowl to pack your weed closer to one side of your carrot.

That’s it! You can make this in under a minute. When using the carrot steamroller, pack your bowl and cover the hole closest to the bowl while inhaling from the other. When you move your finger and uncover the hole, the smoke will shoot into your lungs at once. Creative and effective!

Making a DIY pipe from food doesn’t stop at apples and carrots. You can make bongs from watermelons, pipes from bananas, etc. Stay creative and see how different options enhance the flavors!

DIY Pipe 2: Pen Pipe

Another quick makeshift pipe you can put together quickly is a pen pipe. Easy to make soon and discreetly, a pen pipe is your friend on the go!

For this, you’ll need a pen that is unscrewable and has a metal tip. The metal tip is essential as plastic will melt and is dangerous. Unscrew your pen and remove the ink container from the inside. Take the nib of the pen, the part that usually goes to the paper, and places it back on upside down. Done! You’re ready to load the wide end of the nib with weed and inhale from the opposite side of the pen! Comfortable, fast, and discreet. This is a perfect DIY pipe for those wanting to blaze on the go. Is it any wonder it makes our list of things to smoke out of?

DIY Pipe 3: Candy Pipe

You read that right. If you’re getting super crafty with your DIY pipe, candy can be an option for how to smoke without a piece. The only downside is you’re using perfectly good munchie snacks to make it, but sometimes sacrifices must be made!

So what do you need for a homemade candy pipe? Only soft candy and a pen! In our opinion, Starbursts work the best because they stack and make a smooth pipe. Bonus, you get to add a little personal flair using whatever colors you want. You also get a sweet, fruity flavor boost. It’s the little things! Our advice? Save the pink ones for eating since everyone knows they’re the best.

Start by firmly pressing together the candies in a rectangular shape. On one end, you need to add candy to serve as your bowl. This design is another reason. Starbursts make the best choice here! Poke a hole through your bowl piece to about halfway through your pipe section. Be sure to carve out a little bowl section into your top piece of candy, as well. Then take your pen (a screwdriver will work for this as well) and create a hole in the pipe from the mouthpiece end. Connect this hole with the bowl hole, and you’re ready to go! Makeshift pipe made!

DIY Pipe 4: Soda/Beer Can Pipe

Next on our list of ways to smoke without a piece is the beer can (or soda, if you prefer). You can do more with your beer can than just shotgunning to impress your friends. Make a homemade pipe with your box and double the fun!

Start by using your thumb to make a small indentation in the middle of your can. Using a sharp point, create a couple of small holes in the center of the indentation. Make sure your holes aren’t too big, or your herb will fall through! These are vent holes and need to let air pass through them.

Crack Cocaine

Next, you need to make the carb. Do this by poking a hole in the side of your can. Heat all the holes you’ve formed to cleanse them of any debris that may be remaining. Remove the tab from your, and you’re set to go with your new DIY pipe. Place your weed over the smallest holes you made and cover the carb with your finger then smoke away! A super simple homemade pipe that adds to the things to smoke out of in a pinch.

DIY Pipe 5: Gravity Bong

Last on our list of things to smoke out of when you don’t have a pipe on hand is a homemade gravity bong. This is a DIY pipe of a different color! When made correctly, a gravity bong is super efficient at getting you high fast. This makes the gravity bong the king of how to smoke without a piece!

Difference Between Crack And Weed

At its most straightforward description, a gravity bong has two parts: a plastic bottle and a container for the water. It involves a little construction but is worth the effort. Start by cutting off the bottom of a two-liter plastic bottle. Grab a larger container (larger bottle, bucket, whatever) that your two-liter remnant will fit into almost entirely without touching the sides.

Take some aluminum foil and wrap it over the top of your two-liter. Poke some small holes in the foil and mold the sides up into a bowl piece. Fill your larger container with water and place the two-liter down into it, leaving only the top little bit of the two-liter unsubmerged.

Difference Between Crack Pipe And Weed Pipe

Put a pinch of your weed into your formed bowl piece. Using one hand to light your weed and the other to pull up on your two-liter bottle slowly, you’ll see a ton of smoke filling the space. When you’ve pulled the two-liter far enough up (keeping the vacuum useful by not raising the bottle entirely out of the water), remove the foil. Take your huge hit and feel that smoke hit your lungs. Word of caution: gravity bongs get you high fast. This DIY pipe alternative may not be for first-timers and can make even experienced smokers a cough.

If you find yourself pipe-less have no fear! We’ve shown you five easy and effective ways how to smoke without a piece that will have you saving the day. GreenMed has you covered until we deliver your next pipe. GreenMed – Cannabis Simplified.

None of the authors, administrators, or anyone connected with GreenMed, in any way whatsoever, can be responsible for your use of the information within links or directly from these web pages.

Glass Pipes

Laws regarding recreational marijuana are constantly changing! Always consult your local authorities or attorney for professional advice!