Cooking Coke To Crack

Posted by3 years ago
  • The crack will still be pure, you'll just get less of it as the impurities don't turn into freebase, lol. Example, I had a gram of fishscale (very shiny, tiny crystals, that shiny characteristic it has.
  • As a follow up to my previous post regarding the manufacture of cocaine, I came across the attached image documenting the process of transforming normal cocaine to crack cocaine. I actually struggled with myself as to whether or not to actually share this information, but ultimately I decided to.
  • Mar 12, 2017 you add water and baking soda to cocaine and dry it into a solid mass then crack it up into rocks hence why its called crack cocaine. Smoking – Optional Methods to cook freebase Cocaine & Crack.
  • Congratulations you have successfully made crack cocaine. If you are here because you are curious about how people make crack cocaine, now you know! And if you are here because you actually want to do it yourself – get help. And I don’t mean getting help making the crack cocaine. Get help with yourself.
  • How to Make Crack in a Microwave - BuzzFeed Web Results with Recipes to make crack cocaine.Crack Cocaine Addiction Treatment Recovery Help. That is why the crack STOPS here! You will not find recipes. Indian Food Recipes, Indian Food Recepies, Indian Cooking,. DRUG-FORUMS > Cocaine & Crack. Yes, the process of converting coke to crack and vice versa is discussed ad nauseam.

How To Cook Crack Cocaine. Sp S on S so S red S July 28 Coke sinks well after every meal! How To Cook Crack Cocaine. Sp S on S so S red S May 12 When it is really chilled outside, snow begins to fall! I can almost get pure freebase back, that's if you have good coke. The crack will still be pure, you'll just get less of it as the impurities don't turn into freebase, lol. Example, I had a gram of fishscale (very shiny, tiny crystals, that shiny characteristic it has.

I've smoked on and off for years now, so i'm not new to crack, just never been a cook. The first few times that i was unsuccessful, i have come to the conclusion its because the coke i used was all cut.


Last night, I used the basic baking soda method typically found when you search around, and i cooked in a test tube, not a spoon. I had .4 of coke, and used .1 of soda. My first mistake was accidentally adding too much water in the beginning phase; i thought i was going slow but before i knew it there was too much. I continued on, by hitting the test tube with a flame, until it bubbled. Unfortunately, because it had too much water, it didn't turn into a cookie, but i kept adding heat until i could see the oils in the water. [Question 1: if i had too much water, would i have been able to cook it for longer, as long as i made sure the temperature didn't get too hot for too long at any one point, with the goal of evaporating that extra water so a cookie would form?]

Most of the recipes i see call for a second cook where you add some water, and then reform the first result into a more solid rock. Because i didn't get the solid mass from the first cook, i did not attempt this step. Instead, i put the test tube into a glass of ice water, to let it cool, and used a coat hanger to collect the oil. As soon as i got the coat hanger into the liquid at the bottom and started moving it around, the oils turned white, and started to form the product, sticking to the coat hanger. i mixed and was able to pull out a chunk, but i had a ton of product that ended up smeared on the test tube that was difficult to get out. In the end, it did work, and i ended up with a smokeable product, but i did not get that satisfying solid rock.

My other questions are: does it sound like my entire screw up was a result of adding too much water in the beginning? And i see most recipes say to use 1/4 to 1/3 baking soda, but what would the harm be in using a little more? Wouldn't it be better to make sure you have enough for the reaction to form, rather than to risk being short? Assuming you get the cookie in the first step, when you add more water for the second cook, it should wash away any extra soda right?

I used to smoke with this guy, and when he cooked in a test tube it was like magic; he'd dump a half gram in, eyeball some soda, hit it with a torch, swirl, add some water, hit it with a torch, drop it in a cup of ice water, and after a minute or so he could turn that tube upside down and a solid rock would land in his hand, the leftover water would just drip off; He'd blot it dry with a paper towel and get smoking.


“In a large metal spoon, combine 1 gram of cocaine and ½ gram of baking soda. Carefully fill the spoon with water to the ¾ mark.

Place the spoon with all three ingredients over medium high to high heat until all of the baking soda has finished bubbling out.

Your cocaine freebase will appear in the bottom of the spoon in the somewhat murky colored water that remains. The freebase will be yellowish gold in color.

Pour out the remaining water with any residue left floating on top. Fill the spoon with fresh cold water over top of the freebase. Now, with a sharp, non-serated knife, gather the freebase from the spoon in one full motion and let it fall onto a ceramic plate. Now your done with the spoon.

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Now, tilt the plate and let any excess water fall off. Don’t worry, the freebase will not move at all when tilted. With a paper towel, carefully wipe up any remaining water from around the clump of freebase.


Run the same, non-serated knife back and forth over the freebase clump. It will quickly change from an oily yellowish gold clump into a rock hard white form within a minute or so. Once this happens, stop using the knife.

Now, with a sharp razor blade, carefully scrape up the white freebase into a pile. With the bottom of a medium size metal spoon, carefully crush up the freebase into a fine powder.

Now this next part is what everyone leaves out, but it is THE most crucial to obtaining pure freebase cocaine. If you omit this part, you WILL also be smoking freebase amphetamine and freebase ephedrine, most assuredly.

Take a small drinking glass and fill it up with about 2 inches of fresh cold water. Now, pour your dry freebase pile into the glass of water. Stir up the freebase for a minute or so. This will remove all traces of amphetamine, methamphetamine, ephedrine and psuedo-ephedrine from your freebase because they will all dissolve in the water, while the cocaine freebase will NOT dissolve.

Hardly anyone knows about this step and it is the most crucial. Otherwise, no matter what step you decide to use for making freebase (albeit aluminum foil, ammonia, bi-carb, etc), you’ll be carrying all of those adulterants right on thru to the end. They will ruin your cocaine high, believe me!

Once you have stirred the freebase and water for a minute or so, carefully pour out the water and freebase into a coffee filter paper. You can pour fresh water into the glass and swish it around to collect any freebase that got left behind when pouring it into the filter paper. Now, the only substance left behind in your filter paper is the most pure freebase cocaine you will EVER experience!

Once the water has all gone thru the filter paper, you can pour the pure cocaine freebase out onto a clean plate. Let it dry for another 3-4 minutes or so and smoke away.

Making Coke To Crack

Total time: 30 minutes'